My Story
Strength in Body & Mind
I'll start at the beginning
Up until the recent few years, I had never been fit. Actually you could say I hated fitness. I was diagnosed with asthma at birth and found when I was young if I played too much or got puffed out it would end in an asthma attack. From a young age I was hospitalized multiple times a year. As a result I avoided fitness and exercise completely.
When I was 13 I was diagnosed with depression, and at 15 was classified as suicidal. This made life increasingly difficult and I sought comfort wherever I could. I look back on my teen years and think "wow, you idiot" but I learnt a lot then that I'm watching a lot of my friends learn now. I had to grow up too fast, was pressured into sitations and did things I'll never be proud of. But now I'm in a better place I'm thankful for what I learnt in this time. It keeps me motivated to help people every day.
In 2012 I was in year 11 and overweight. I had massive self esteem issues and had let myself fall into a mentally abusive relationship as a result. I was put down and ridiculed daily and this worsened my body image as you can imagine.
When this relationship ended my relationship with fitness began, in early 2013 I started working out for the first time in my life. I have alwats been an equestrian rider however had never set foot in a gym. By the end of 2013 I had lost 30kg and had started building a new mindset. I finally reached my goal weight in December 2013.
In 2015 after continuing my fitness and accompanying it with pole dance I decided to start studying to become a personal trainer. After two years of experiencing the benefits of fitness for not only my body image but my mental health. Doing things I never thought I'd have the confidence to do, like my first student showcase for pole which lead me to not only compete but win my first ever amateur competition and the title of Miss Doubles Princess 2015 with my now best friend. I wanted to learn how to help others and be the support that I needed when I started my journey.
I find my back ground and story helps me have more compassion and allows my clients to understand that they can relate to me and trust me because I've been there. Now as a professional Personal Trainer, my main passion is guiding people towards a healthier lifestyle. Every body is unique; each with its own strengths and limitations. My aim is not only to transform your body, but to influence you in making more mindful decisions when it comes to your health.
Currently since finding fitness my life, and mindset have completely changed. I want to help others to fall in love with fitness to create their own sustainable life changes.